Just outside your cabin, caravan or car, you’ll find a running trail with wood chips. Bring the entire family with you and enjoy the different tabata exercises scattered along the way. For those of you who wish for a longer run, you are able to steer away from the trail and instead run along the coast, either south or north. Since the coastal trail is a part of the Skåne trail (Skåneleden), your run can be just as long or short as you’d like it to be. There are many ready made trails to enjoy with varied lengths. For those who enjoy a more hilly terrain we’d recommend the Sandberg trail (Sandbergenslingan) which might possibly be Sweden’s most beautiful trail.

Tip! We recommend running northward, even if it is a bit more hilly, the views ahead are more than worth it. The Sandberg trail is a treat! Tough terrain which also includes steep steps but are well worth the effort. Finish the run with a well deserved and cooling dip in the sea or from the decks.